iconlistEscape Rooms List
iconavailabilities Availabilities
iconlistEscape Rooms List

You are an Escape Game

If you are not yet referenced in Escape Shaker and you want to become one of our partners, you just have to create an escape game account.

Why being referenced in Escape Shaker ?

It is not always easy for players to find an Escape Game around them.
Being referenced in Escape Shaker enables you to help your customers in their research and gain potential customers by enhancing your brand exposure. They have a direct access to all the information on your Escape Game and your Escape Rooms. They are easily redirected to your website.

Searching an Escape Game is easier : Escape Game List, Maps, Reviews, filters (difficulty, price, number of players, languages...).
Escape Shaker gives you access to a community around Escape Games : Bloggers, our subscribers, players from all around the world and Escape Games !

How does it work ?

To be referenced, you just have to create an Escape Game account.
With your credentials, you will be able to access anytime your dedicated page and modify/update your data (new room...).

New services : Availabilities and statistics

Escape Shaker is the only website to offer to show Escape Games' remaining availabilities to players all around the world. Once your account created, you will be able to request for those services and try them for free !